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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  January 9, 2014 7:00am-10:01am PST

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that we are following of this fire at a warehouse. we are live with the jackie sissel who is showing you what is burning. their heirs a lot of flames and smoke going through the neighborhood. will tran is at another vantage point also shown us what is going on. >> wwell. >> we had a transformer expo. my ears are ringing. this building right now has basically crumbled because it jumps to another building. it is so dangerous that they are calling an additional units. because of this fire is far from being in control they
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are branded and other resources. they stated that this fire jumped to this building to the left and everybody will be pushed back. you concede the hoses, they're ready to go. we do know that there are no injuries and this fire started about 5:30 a.m. off of mckee and one on one. this is an industrial area. they tend have metal and that is why it is too dangerous for them to even think about going on the roof. >> you might have heard this explosion and what they're doing they're using multiple ladders and spring water down to the building. they have multiple buildings under fire. as far as the people live in this area to the left, there is an apartment complex right across from this area. what
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they're doing right now, they're telling people that if you're inside, you should stay inside. they did not have a shelter in place but for this particular street, these people are said to stay in their homes and a lot of people saw this and they just wanted to leave. the fire department stated that they were not born to gore around to tell people to evacuate. this are people getting their cars and going across the street. >> in fact, you can see some people right here on mckee just watching. more crews are arriving at the scene. there is a lot going on. mckee and 28th street is shutdown of. if this fire continues to grow, everyone, including the police officers will be pushed back. it is just simply too
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dangerous. they believe that it's started at the vintage roof tile. they're not sure who called the fire in. 98 minutes later, the flames are still out of control. the fire fighters have not stopped sprain, gallons of water onto the flames. there have been very little luck. there is a pg&e truck on the scene and they are here to cut the electricity it off. >> my ears are still ringing. right now, they have not pushed us back. at 6:50 a.m., the middle of your screen, this was not the case when i first arrived. this was closed off. i cannot see the flames but then the crotch collapse.garage collapsed. breeg
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is not an issue. the smoke is blowing away. >> i was see if i can walk over and speak with this officer. >> be careful. >> what is the latest? >> right now, we're a fourth alarm possibly 80,000 square foot commercial building. >> there was a fire wall that separated it from the front side of the building. worour goal is to try to stop the fire to keep from spreading. >> we keep hearing explosions, like a big 10, what is that? >> a lot of times and that is just structures that are falling down. we did have
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earlier expulsions and were not sure if there were products the relaxed.there weren the building. >> there are no known chemicals, no hazardous material. it does not mean that they do not have propane tanks. they may have other equipment inside and the construction of the building. there is a lot of tar and gravel. >> the material, is that making it more difficult? >> and yes. metal buildings will limit the capability to get all morose and to cut things off. they tend to
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collapsed easily and that's why we're on the outside as a distance of nature. >> to give viewers a nature, have you seen one large like this before? >> yes it has been quite a while. we had a commercial fired before a few years back but the biggest one was the one desk- >> can you walk us through-- >> there is extreme heat coming from this fire. a lot of this water is evaporated before it hits the fire. as you can see, in a narrow pattern where tried to get it to get to the base of the fire. we want to knock out the main heat. at a distance, it is breaking up.
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it tends to spread of the water out. >> it looks like a chimney reaching up to the sky that is about to collapse. >> yes, it is a possibility that it may collapse. this is very old structure. >> how many warehousers are on fire right now? >> right now, it is one building that is connected together. >> we're looking at about 80,000 square feet. >> thank you so much. he just gave us the update. there are people still inside the apartment and i can hear. then he can be felt from across the street. the fire department's are
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where and they're being careful. you concede to the left how far that is back from the actual building. they can spread the water for a long distance to make sure that the firefighters are not close to be in danger. the more water that this break, the bigger that it is. the weight of the water, the building itself catching on fire, it just collapsed. now you can see more are arriving. >> do not come down on matif obviously, it is shutdown. pg&e crews are out to cut off the power. a transformer also exploded. everyone jump and that is why pg&e is here to make sure that the power is cut off. >> the time is 7:08 a.m. and
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people in san jose are waking up to this fire. we will have more coming up. ♪ [ale nounr ] can belve y canronoce evythi in ? beeve. ew dicioly sple fr i c't lie it notutte wh 10 tas andero articiapresvatis. it'sime ...bieve body washes withaper that reacts like sn. if others can strip this per, imagine how rsh they can be to your in. oh my gosh
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[ female announcer ] dove is differt. its breakthrough formu changes everythi. dove. this is re. its breakthrough formu changes everythi. leto t oneobying you waysante at uversy ofhoen, belve ery ecati- not st os- shou be ilt ound thcare thayou want. imine at.
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>> welcome back. the time is 7:11 a.m.. this is on the 1300 block of a julienne. we have live coverage here. not only this warehouse but is
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second one caught fire. kron4 will tran is on the scene. there are a number of other members on the scene. we also have a school closure that is related to we also have a school closure that is related to check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. ♪ i'm on the hunt, i'm after you ♪ ♪ smell like i sound, i'm lost in a crowd ♪ ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪ straddle the line, in discord and rhyme ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100
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>> happening now. firefighters are trying to put out the flames of this warehouse fire in san jose.
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this is the vintage roof tile company. this has been burning since 5:30 a.m.. the flames coming from this area-there is there ar >> the principal at this nearby school is calling parents to let them know that the school was closed. and the when he stated that he could tell the shakeout from a transformer that exploit. >> we will now go to jackie sissel who was live. maligned we saw the entire building collapse. the flames are still coming out. it looked like it was about a three story warehouse. now, that building is just a pile of rubble. i am ride on
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1 01, ride on the shoulder of 1 01 ed mckee exit. you can see the flames from 1 01 but it is just the black smoke that you see. not only is the black smoke but tons of embers they carried. >> the traffic on southbound, northbound 101 is creeping because they see the smoke. as i stated, in a matter of seconds, the entire building collapse. firefighters are still putting in water on this building. this is a massive and i have not seen one like this in a while. the blow, you can see it from a mile away. the smoke farther. there is a lot embers in there. i will caution people that these embers can be carried in the wind.
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there is a slight mist and hopefully that will keep them from igniting. his they are a long way from getting this summer control. >> people live in the aerial will smell this. this is not a residential area. firefighters are saying that if you smell the smoke patricia closure windows and your door. the chp set out an alert stated that no shelter is in place but they're telling people that if you're in the area to stay indoors. >> if you are not near this area, just do not try to the area. >> we first heard about this problem because we were alerted by the chp because there were a lot of motorists who were calling in to notify the chp the that the see flames from freeway. here is what happens in addition to this.
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the chp has closed the julienne off ramp from 11 both in the northbound and southbound direction. they also needed to stretch the fire hose across the street. they needed to use hydrant's that were crossed the road way. this is a mother wizeanoth. the chp and brightest motorist on to the area to keep your windows up and do not use your outside their been. they stated that you should use the recirculation feature on your a ventilation system. >> you will see your button on the dash board. they wanted to push that button instead of drawn inside air.
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if you just recirculate the car, it has is own internal features. >> take a look that up back up, i was soon on the map out. the drive time is at 49 minutes and the backup reaches all the way to coyote valley. back towards highway 85, 11 in the northbound direction. there is an additional delay on 1 01 northbound. that is a reason why we're looking at a large drive time. there was a accident that is adding to this backup. this is continuing north to the guadalupe parkway. >> it actually looks like the wind is going to pick up. we have seen an increase about 7 mi. per hour. it is
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still fairly,. the wind in the south is not as bad. the wind speed is fluctuating between zero to 7 mi. per hour. there is black smoke shooting in the air. we're scene very poor quality several blocks of this warehouse. emergency crews are asking them to stay inside. the chp are advising you to be careful. this is a inside. the chp are advising you to be careful. this is a big storsafeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, honey nut cheerios are just $1.88. that's a sweet deal. brew up a great cup for less. starbucks is just $6.99. and lean cuisine entrees are just 2 dollars each. real big deals this week and every week.
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>> welcome back. the time is 7:22 a.m.. here is a live look from the scene. >> this is the 1300 block of mckee near no. 28. it has spread to another structure. will tran broke the part of the store to us. >> here is a different vantage point. you can save the center of your screen, this has not caught on fire. the firefighters are spraying and is home to make sure that it is not going to spread.
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>> well, we just lost your audio. i know that the scene is changing. continue telling us what you see. >> right now, you can see the flames are burning out of control. this is a different vantage point of what i showed you at 7:00 a.m.. residents are outside. it is not a mandatory evacuation. they live by this wear off. this is a real blessing, they're just watching their neighborhood just go up in flames.they live s warehouse. they are just seen at this area go up in flames. >> what will you do when at the time? >> i was drinking my coffee, getting ready to go to work.
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>> it was a small at first and then i called 911. less than five minutes, i told them that's it was about 100 ft. off. >> did you hear the expulsions? >> i think i heard about four or five. that is problem what made it spread. >> i woke up the neighbors and fun. i knocked on the other doors to tell people to get out. >> some of these people did not want to come of their ownout of their homes. >> the flames, the smoke blowing away from us. this
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is west courts. the fire department took over the street. there is an element for school that was recently built. we do not know if this cold caught on fire. d >> do you know if this " caught fire? >> and no. but because of this fire is spreading we need to have you guys moved back. >> so there you have a. you just heard the fire department tell us to move back. if >> it is just to the edge risk for us to be close. this fire started at 5:30 a.m.. they're not sure of the calls. this place is huge, 80,000 square feet. they have so much material and they're not sure if it
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was chemicals inside the warehouse. over the past 25 minutes they are actually calling for more firefighters to come to the scene. maligned we will continue with this coverage and we will be back.
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happening right now 730 we have live coverage of breaking news story in san jose. a warehouse fire that has gone from 2 to 3 and now for alarms and has spread from to warehouses. it continues to be growing. set jackie is live on the scene. he and has hurt himself explosions and seeing this fire grow. part of the roof and structure has crumbled that. what are
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you see now? >>: you can see on the bottom right hand of my shot there is a resident standing on his rooftop i know earlier there was some question on that there was a residential area but should consider the proximity of the fire and the concerned residents that are standing on their rooftops watching this fire materialize. that not only that was sending an awful lot of black smoke with embers and the are concerned about their rooftops. you could see that fire hose putting water on to some rooftops. as i passed out you get a better sense of just how close these houses are to the warehouse. obviously that's a concern as we move forward on this. this fired as a looks like it's under control at all. i saw more of the building collapse and it appears it's spreading even further over to the right hand side of my shots into in other parts of the same or house or another were house itself. i'm actually just on the other side of railroad tracks.
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classes have been canceled. the principal and staff have been calling parents of the 645 students that attend that school. on known yet if any damage has been sustained by that school. we will have to wait and see what these members that you can see are going up and floating ball around as we heard from kron4's will tran it is spread to one other warehouse. >>darya: let's talk about the cloud of smoke. george has been following that in the traffic center. >>george: in fact not only are we dealing with the back up but even the chp is to advising motorists through the air to keep their windows closed and to use the recirculation featured on years cards ventilation system rather than drawing in outside air. windows up recirculate the air with in your car and use as an internal filtration system to keep the smoke and whenever particular matter that may be borne by the smoke from your car's
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interior so that you won't have to and held it. us take a look at the backups. when one in the northbound direction. the drive time is not like than 55 minutes. this incident is not the only problem critic slow traffic. there's also another up here and it has really backed up the ride. are fire is the biggest cause of the trouble to read it from here for nearly highway 85. that's why we are looking at almost one hour drive times for 101 north bound. of course that with a lot of extra pressure on interstate 280 as an alternate. the guadalupe park will make sense if you're coming out of south san jose are the coyote valley. you can take 85 here over to the guadalupe parkway and then ticket no.. of course there is quite a bit of congestion here and that's exactly what a lot of folks are doing right now.
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some other hot spots an accident on a 80¢ at hayward. looking at another slow ride through the corridor this morning and there's a new problem on marin county that iran would be an accident that backing up traffic past highway 37 through about 00101 southbound. that pushed the drive time up to about 40 minutes from a bottle heading south toward the golden gate bridge. >>erica: and george we are taking a look at wind speeds around the bay area. a little stronger on the east bay shoreline and the coast line. we are seeing when speeds fluctuate between zero and miles per hour. here's what's happening at the scene of the fire a thick plume of black smoke shooting up in the air. not really moving because once these are so-called. that's good news for the firefighters. that's not good news for air quality.
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there is no mixing of the air so visibility is bad and that black smoke is very hard to breathe. but you're driving through the area make sure your windows are rolled up. as we take a look at the rest of the bay area we are waking up to thirties' 40's and '50's. by lunchtime we will see mid to upper 50s. i later this afternoon expect partial clearing and highs in the upper 50s low 60s. your 7 day around the bay coming up in just a couple of minutes. >>darya: let's get back to our team coverage of the fire. look at all of the smoke. >>james: there is that neighborhood and right by it that warehouse around the net three as we take a look at live look. were going to go to will tran goes down on the field. >>will: people are so scared
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and that's why they aren't leaving the area. they are stand across the street to monitor the situation. breaking news to pass along your hair and first on kron4. the police department just called for additional firefighters it is now 5 alarm. we were looking at 45 to 60 firefighters but because is still burning out of control two hours after a started at this point they say they need help with his wife they have called in mutual aid. santa clara was already here and now we expect fire departments from all over the south bay to come here to help the fire fighters and you can see it's still burning out of control. the walking a little bit closer to give you a vantage point. at the center of your screen that home is right in front of the flame to read so far does not look like it's on fire. looks like one hose is dedicated to sprain the
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sides of that house just to make sure it does not catch on fire. there's so much water being used. there's puddles and puddles all over this area because the fire fighters have been using up thousands of gallons of water with their ladders for it is simply too dangerous for them to get any closer which is why they have three letters in place rain now spring water from a great distance to make sure the fire fighters are safe. back to you james. >>james: thanks again will. >>: we will remind you once again a predatory elementary school for its they have been evacuated. they're just across the railroad tracks across from the fire. >>darya: we will be back in a couple of minutes.
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and five alarm fire is happening now had a warehouse and san jose. the burning embers that have been blowing up as a result of this fire had spread to a second building. kron4's will tran was on the ground in describing the scene for us earlier. here are live pictures from jackie cecil b. also have live pictures from kron4's yoli aceves. we want to show you how close this fire is to surrounding schools and homes. that vintage roof and tile has collapsed. just to the north and east a densely populated neighborhood within a matter of feet from one of the edges of the warehouse and off to the left we see a building that says icon school. the rocket ship perhaps elementary school or glasses have been cancelled. it's only a single track of railroad tracks that separates the school from the burning warehouse. back to the live pictures on the left side of your screen. into the enormous smoke billowing up.
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highway 101 right nearby. that is causing a visual hazard for drivers 3 following that george will have more on that traffic and go for street will be back with continuing coverage on this good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. less claims but a lot more smoke from of this fire burning a warehouse in san jose. that's our big story
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and we will have more on that and a few minutes. we're also going to have gary radnich. the big story in the bay area going into the weekend is the 49ers street will have more on sports in just a couple of minutes are right now let's take a look on how the fire is affecting traffic at weather as well. you're looking at how traffic slows past the scene of the fire.
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we will switch back to the traffic map to endow show you the extent of the back up. from highway 85 solid red that's why the drive time rf 59 minutes. of course it's but a lot of pressure on 280 and 85 and now the guadalupe parkway for the entire lane. the low 50 m.p.h. so things continue to be jammed up. we have other hot spots to track. the nimitz freeway ride southbound jammed up and to milpitas its backing up now solidly of from north of the 280 interchange and an accident at for a while was a said the large immigrant county softball one at lucas valley road pass silently back up the ride north of highway 87. we have seen the bay bridge and while not quite a normal back up its heavy through the maze of a solid backup for all lanes dozen began until here at
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the end of the east parking lots. it look at weather for you here is erica. >>erica: just touching on the fire we are seeing wind speeds between zero and 7 mi. per hour. we do have lots of smoke and area which is not going anywhere. looks like it is breeding concern for some folks to you may want to stay indoors. around the bay area seen at some cloudy skies and the south bay. upper '30's and richmond daly city right now 49 degrees. as we head into the afternoon temperatures will mainly be and the upper 50s low 60s. it will be a pretty similar afternoon compared to what we experienced yesterday. satellite and radar shows dry weather here in any rain as well to our north. here's your 7 day around the bay forecast. scattered showers on the map for saturday looks like sunshine as we
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head into next week. fars no bomb scare reports no new snow to reports kirkwood with a base of 22 in.. alpine meadows 20 in. and squaw valley 21 in. >>darya: good morning gary. the warriors just couldn't pull it off. >>jacqueline: >>james: their home tomorrow night to play the celtics. six wan's one loss. not a big deal. they played 82 games. i wish that steven
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and the gang will have a little bit better relief that's all. >>gary: you don't too good of a released as you know and our business with no one but weekend anchor to be that good because of the replace you. >>: that's good you're going tomorrow night. that will be fun. >>darya: on likes robotic sandors and you not freeze tomorrow night. >>darya: here's the thank. i watched tons of basketball and this is something i don't even see with the kids but it's in the nba. one player on tying another
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player's shoe laces. >>james: he thought it was cute but then he did it a second time and. it's stupid. >>: so is going to be fined $50,000 but i guess he doesn't care because when you look at all the fines in his career to equal about $900,000 and he's on twitter say i do every game. he thinks it's fun. >>: with the 49ers this is a game i obviously have to watch. and unless everyone is watching the 49ers because they're trying to raise the staff. part of us seem to care but the vikings
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redskins all want to talk to greg grumman and i guess that's ok even during the playoffs. >>gary: supposedly in half of the college is now more is recruiting. that's going into somebody's home and talking to parents and kids to go to your school. >>: i have a hunch. with all due respect to both of them and it's greg room and not bill iii it that judge greg a roman--greag romag roman not bill roman. we have those two that are in demand and we also have everybody dissecting the 49ers in kapernick including steve young. i you talk to
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him. let's roll that. >>: when he goes and have room to go out like he did last week he devastates teams. he struggled against teams like carolina and seattle when he takes a look and doesn't see it and doesn't like it and then goes down for it is that defense in front from seven that's different than a lot of teams in the league. that's the challenge and that's why teams like this are particularly difficult. it's the nature of them. if we when best to teams in a row that are similar to themselves. >>darya: as a student of the game and not a fan i like listening to people like you and steve young talk about stuff like this. >>gary: boy you certainly want to watch the specials we are doing during the football season on tonight at 9. >>darya: close to you have? >>james: steve young is the drop off. if you don't like him i'm dead. he's a nice
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guy. >>darya: he should talk to your buddy in march from a ledge. remember with seattle he wasn't talking and they put to the $50,000 fine on hold because he started talking on friday. >>james: so they aren't going to find him. >>: they're going to stay as long as you're behaving keep
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talking to the media they won't find him so it's a good time for you to call him and ask about an interview. >>: most of these guys that don't talk to the media don't have anything to say anyway. >>gary: if someone doesn't want to talk leave them alone. there's plenty of us who are good players to have to talk. >>darya: we will see all those players on your show. >>gary: whoever we can get. how about that. all right darya. [ female announcer ] i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies. only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. weeknight dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, toaster strudel.
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[ female announcer ] now get two bonus box tops for your school.
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a double live look out of san jose where we have a warehouse fire. that is our breaking news story. we have crews on the scene. 80,000 square foot warehouse going up in flames. we will have complete coverage coming up in just a moment.
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kron4 starts now with breaking news. >>darya: we start with a massive fire and san jose and we have live team coverage of a warehouse fire that broke out earlier this morning. lots of smoke still coming from this warehouse. kron4's will tran is live at the st. lucie was going on right now. >>: no information to pass along. but the fire department says they have 100 fire fighters there. they plan to call it even more firefighters the mutual aid. they say that this warehouse even bigger than they first bought. now it's 120,000 square feet. they have places that do routes there. it does not appear that the pay has caught on
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fire. they've been going at it for two and a half hours. the flames came back after they were able to conceal it to someone. breathing has become an issue but they have not force anybody to leave this area. joining me now is mr. gregg johansson. the fire department are what's going through your mind. but i have to take my hat off to these fire fighters. they say probably of houses down the block. because that was a three
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story building. and i figured it out of control that it will contain a fire. the first thing that fell over is the first two stories. so i don't know. i can't assess. i don't believe i've lost the garage. rajahs van his shack. but the firefighters saved the house so we just remodeled this house five years ago. >>: your incredible late col. had that at my house i don't even understand how i would handle this. >>: my wife doesn't even want to talk. she can see that the house is not all fires so she's happy at that.
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>>: it was about 545. it came under our balcony and looked up. will almost to the other side and show you that credible vantage point. we would cellulitis fire as far under control. their materials that are giving the firefighters all kinds of problems bridge will have a live interview with the fire department coming up at
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about 5 minutes. the >>vicki: i could feel the heat from across the street. they fire moved to the building right in front of us all bets are off and you'll have to move from this area. there multiple businesses and one here house-in one warehouse. there's so many different materials and each of the businesses which is why they're just throwing everything gadgets. i was across the street at 650 and thank goodness the cameras. >>darya: thanks a lot will.
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>>: we have multiple crews following this story. jackie what are you scene. >>: lots of smoke pouring out. the good news is i'm not saying that heavy black smoke with the heavy ember is blowing through the air right now so it appears they're starting to get a handle on this. i've looked at the white news van and it is covered to gray ash. you concede this is basically a single story. it was three serve stories. since its
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collapse this is probably good news for at them. you could see they brought more ladder trucks. and using mimas, so it's hard to operate the gypsy to are right there. two more right over here and to more right over here so that's a total of six. lighter's pouring this. heavy black smoke and you could see the glowing embers been emanated from this fire so the concern was that potentially could spread into the neighborhood. the good news is that has not yet happened.
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>>: we will report to what's just come man. pg&e also on the scene. a lot of utility lines have cut pg&e has cut a lot of power just a year now. let's get traffic. >>george: as a consequence we've seen a ripple affect all over the south bay. freeways around the south bay are jammed. the 101 drive time
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>>erica: as we take a look at conditions are around the fire. when speeds vary between zero and 7 mi. per hour. the wind is blowing from the south. to be on the safe side make sure your in the vicinity stay inside and keep all windows and doors closed. we do have a few ford is a 50s along the east bay shoreline for places like san francisco. partial clearing with ties today en the upper 50s low 60s. the kron4 morning news will be right back.
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bulldog: it's out with the old and in with the new
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during mattress discounters' year end clearance sale! puppy: look, i found a red tag! bulldog: that means folks can save up to 40% on clearance mattresses. puppy: oh, here's another. bulldog: that means up to $300 off serta, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic. puppy: i found another red tag! bulldog: what! where? puppy: right here, silly. ha-ha-ha! bulldog: tickles! mattress discounters' year end clearance sale ends soon. ♪ mattress discounters [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked, made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand-new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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happening right now a fire in the south bay. this was a warehouse that crossfire earlier this morning on julian street no. 28.
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>>: burning all morning along. looks like things are finally starting to area to will tran has been on the story. well you've moved around at different locations across this fire. where are you exactly at this hour and what going on? >>will: i'm to the left of the warehouse. he concedes there is a wall of smoke right in front of me. we have learned that this fire is even bigger than it originally 80,000 square feet and now 120,000 square feet. they called in mutual aid. at least 100 firefighters are here and they say it is far from under control. for there is so many businesses-share this warehouse which is why they can't say we are fighting this sort of fire because each one has of
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their own sort of chemicals including one business that has a haight business inside they don't believe that the hay has caught on fire but that's definitely something there are aware of and if they take it is of fire obviously the plan to reach back into the sky. over the past 20 minutes or so seems they've had a good job of knocking down the flames because i have not seen them just a smoke blowing away from us but because it's been going on for nearly three hours now breathing it definitely an issue but still they have not ordered anyone to evacuate this area no mandatory evacuations and you can see here some apartments to left of the warehouse. you can see some of the presidency looking outside of their windows. breathing not too bad right now. this fire has been contained to the warehouse even though we've been showing you all morning long there have been some homes right next to the warehouses that are in jeopardy of catching fire. they may have suffered some damage from the intense heat and no
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structural damage as far as those homes collapsing. . the roof is metal. it's too dangerous for firefighters to go on-site to fight the flames from the ground. here's a frontal view of the warehouse. looks like fire fighters are also attacking from the front of the warehouse. the numbers are
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an issue which is why we showed you all morning long elementary school seems to be in tact at this time and all other efforts and all other attention still on the warehouse. and they aren't even calling it a percentage control. this is still raging three hours after it started. the good news is nobody has died. >>: as we continue to follow the latest we've men talking with firefighters. there were talking about how difficult to do it's been to
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fight the fire. but listen >>: parts of the structure are dropping down. it brings in a lot of air which causes a big explosion aboard. we did have some earlier explosions on the fire. we're not sure what those were. not sure if those products left and the businesses there. >>darya: the good news in all of this is a while these are warehouses' it's not the type of place where they had any overnight workers. no one's been injured in the fire which is huge. >>james: that's kron4's jackie says on the right hand side. it was all black and then and had gone to whites and now looks like that some of the starting to
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darken up again. that's small clearly visible from 101. >>: smoke a black or white always causes a hazardous to what's going on with a traffic george. >>george: 101 north bound is backed up so greatly to the ripple effects are starting to traffic is still jammed up from highway 85 on 1013 it look at 8587880 of caring and heavier than normal traffic this morning so things have gotten completely bollixed up. sadly that's not our only hot spot. look at this 880 ride. it is jammed in both directions. but especially southbound all the way down to 237. and over one hour drive time from san leandro down to milpitas. one of the worst commute i've seen. and did that ride in iran. a
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quick check from the bridges the bay bridge has no backup. it did get a little heavier during the peak of the commute. san mateo bridge has been problem free all morning long and here at the richmond san rafael. all that shot has gone away. let's get over to the weather center. here it is erica. >>erica: we are seeing a wind speeds between zero and 7 mi. per hour. we do have a lot of smoke and the area. if you're in the vicinity of
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are encouraged to stay inside and close all windows and doors. the rest of the bay area just to let with cloudy conditions. san francisco 54 degrees 52 leaving the door in concord. think we will see low 60s along the east bay shoreline. san francisco today a high of 59.we're going to increase the likelihood. they're looking at a 30 to 40 percent chance. we're back into the at a 30 to 40 percent chance. we're back into the sunshine some.
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good. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. ♪ no need to chk, donate or burn them ♪ ♪ just pack thein our flat rate b ♪ ♪ we'll come to your dr and return them ♪ ♪ gifts you bout but never gave away ♪ ♪ or said you liked but thought were cheesy ♪ ♪ you don't even need to leave your house ♪ ♪ we'll come and take them, easy-pea ♪ [ female announcer ] no one returns the holids like the u.s. postal servi. with improved priority il flat ra, just print a label, schedule a pickup and return those gifts at a same low flat re.
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a 25 right now and happening now firefighters are keeping a good containment on the warehouse fire that is burning. its 120,000 square foot. we have houses on one side and on interest on the other. here at this live picture. george rask
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has been following all the angles of traffic affected by the fire. hundreds of people in that area affected and businesses as well. >>darya: this gives you an idea of what traffic is like. that's not so much that to your inundated with smoke. last coat,, and panel
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a 29 backed our continuing coverage of warehouse fire in san jose. kron4's will tran is at the scene have any look at the progress they are making. hi wil. >>will: no developments to pass along. the fire
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department believes the flames have been knocked down. they're not calling it under control but we've shown you over the past 30 minutes or so you don't see the huge towering flames that we saw. this fire started at about 530 this morning at 120,000 square house. there were many businesses and side. each business has their own chemical. very tough for them to put out. they had the colin mutual aid. we aren't sitting now at about 100 firefighters putting out the flames. try to get this knock down as soon as they
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possibly can. to try to put the fire out as soon as they can. we have new information to pass along. rockets elementary james fletcher asked me the question was that damaged. the fire department says thankfully no. the only damage that we are seeing is that the warehouse and on the back and where the roof collapsed there were other businesses as well but it never moved to the front of the warehouse and that is important because this is the staging area for the fire department. how that would have caused all kinds of problems and it would have made it to the front.
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there is missed coming down. it feels like rain. even probably see it in my hair and in the lands. that's how much water they have the use over the past three hours or so. we're going to take the the camera off the tripod. i see the public information officer captain just walked over. let's see if we can talk to him. >>: we are trying to keep the fire from spreading. >>: it was definitely knock down at this point. they're
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going to continue with the latter operations for several more hours. >>: we are talking 45 latter's three hours into it and they are still ongoing and. a lot of open space to help feed the fire. there
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running communications with them to make sure people are sheltering and place. and if they decide to leave their residence they do that on their own. >>: i've heard of no damage
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i know they've done some ember controls. we sent out engine company is to check that out. >>: >>: residents are still outside their home
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>>darya: a cloudy day in san jose were in the smoke- filled and the water. >>george: a little improvement on interstate 280. we're still tracking a
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number of hot spots and bears have a traffic year of the dumbarton bridge. i heard of that there were a couple of helicopters hovering in that area. it's possible that might be some power lines work. iran is still jammed up southbound as slow as westbound 37101 and earlier a crane accident ... valley road. >>erica: regarding the fire right now looks like when speeds are about 0 to 1 mi.
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per hour so we are talking very calm conditions but a lot of smoke as for the rest of the bay area waking up to cloudy skies. temperatures mainland for this palo 50s. by later this afternoon and will be cooled amid highs. by 8:00 this evening cloud cover sticks around with temperatures mainland of for days. how big rig and out near 7 day around the bay coming up in just a couple of minutes. the kron4 morning news will be right
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like in the 80's? sky is white with smoke from the wild fire for its asking firefighters is that tower looked like it was going to collapse at any moment and the firefighter said potentially at any moment is a state-to 60 seconds later on the air we saw it to go up if lines.
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memo will was there on scene and he asked fire fighters is there anything inside the warehouse that's been burning. >>: there's no hazardous material. does the main there aren't propane tanks that are in there as well used for welding. different equipment inside. also the construction of the building looks like there was a lot of tar and gravel that would drop down and obviously burned. are double live look now. we'll be back with more in a couple of minutes
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anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day.
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i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. >> welcome back. happening right now, we have firefighters gaining the upper hand on a warehouse fire just off of 11. this
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is a 120,000 sq. ft. warehouse. >> will tran was out there from the start. he stated that one of the explosions not to momma's off with his feet. >> i was gettinknocked him off s feet. >> i jumped. >> everyone is ok. this fire has not heard anyone read the firefighters have done a fantastic job. >> wells opposite knwill tran se now. we will have to get back to him. >> it was pretty incredible.
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we saw this third story collapse. the fire fighters never got really close pripet you could see on the right-hand side that they used a direct stream of water. they stated bet about a half an hour the entire building is down. but they still have to remain out there for about an hour. >> let's not try to reconnect with will tran. maligned good nils to pass along. only the warehouse was damaged. >> the school in nearby and the homes are not affected. there are no other structures harm to. this started at 5:30 a.m.. this has a multiple businesses inside. they could not
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release date is still was caused by chemicals. they stated that there is a hay business also inside. the fire department believe that at this point the flames have been knocked down and we have not seen any more over the past 45 minutes. they believe that they have the upper hand and that they will remain on scene for the next couple of hours. >> a lot of the fire fighters have been here since 5:30 a.m.. some of them are going to leave the area and that will bring in others to replace them. as far as why they did not tell the people to evacuate or to-tester reason why is because the flames and smoke was born in the opposite
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direction >> there is nothing that's they had to go to have people leave. there is a school on the other side of this warehouse and they were concerned about the embers but they have a fireman at the scene of the school just in case flames reach this goal but it did not. there is a huge wall of smoke. the flames are not reaching into the sky. >> earlier will have a chance to speak with the fire department. this is how
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they responded. maligned this limits our capability to go on morose. they stand--they tend to collapse a lot if it is a ss >> this has affected several schools in the area. 2 of them have been completely shut down. rucker shipp they hao school today. >> the schools are in session but they did not have power. so this is a elementary school and high- school and that they have class but they will be a little dark. >> the mpeg due to this fire is still building in the
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south. the major problems on 1 01 in the northbound direction but because the traffic is so backed up people going norse tried to bail out look at what it has done to 6/8 south bond. it is backed up to san jose. all of this freeway is still jammed and very little relief from 87, 880, 85 and 280 north. this is not until you pass the guadalupe parkway. >> we have continued delays 4880 in the southbound direction from hayward into fremont and then continuing to milpitas. we have been tracking and delays westbound dumbarton bridge. again, it is backed up ports on 1 01 and that has been tough as well. there were
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helicopters home but we did not find out why carry it >> we continue to have delays in marin county and the traffic is still a delayed on 1 01 from north of novayto. we're still jammed up from presidio drive. two lanes for shutdown at the crossover. >> the bay bridge ride was gone, traffic is looking good with no backup for delays of from 92, the san mateo bridge is still good with 15 minutes. >> we are talking about poor air quality due to this fire. the wind speed is between zero to 7 mi. per hour. the result is at the smoke, is not going anywhere
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it is just settling in. it is very hazardous breeding conditions. you are advised to stay inside. >> as for the rest of the bay, we are waking up to cloud the conditions. we have areas in fog and drizzle. 52 degrees for concord low 40's for santa rosa into afternoon partial clearing, upper 50's, low 60's the san mateo area will have a high of 61. the seven there around the bay shows potential for showers for saturday but pass that we are back in the sunshine and perhaps temperatures will be in the '70s. >> that was a look at your local forecast. tahoe's ski report. there is no new snow to report. alpine meadows has a base of 20 in. and kirk would has just a base
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of 18 in.. the kron4 morning kirk would has just a base of 18 in.. the kron4 morning nils wilgood.right back. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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>> happening right now. we are following this breaking story of the warehouse fire. we will have continuing coverage. >> the other big story is the 49ers' matchup with the packers. jim harbaugh and the 49ers' were back at practice all of the 49ers' defense and offense are getting ready for the big game. the carolina panthers have one of the best defenses in the game. when they beat us in week 10, the sec our quartey sacked r
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quarterback 10 times. scott rates will give us more coverage into the weekend. we also have a sports show every night. tonight, gary radnich will be talking about the big game, the 49ers'. he will talk to steve young. maligned we will be right back. [ male announcer ] the more you lose, the more you se because for every 2 pounds y lose through diet and exercise
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alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. start now at ♪
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>> they are still dumping water on this. as you can see there is a lot of fuel that has been burned. >> the 5:30 a.m. fire broke out. we're live on the scene. there are a lot of firefighters still out there. this caused a major backup on 11. a lot of
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people were standing out looking. >> our team coverage starts next. >> we continue our coverage of the warehouse fire. will tran is live on the scene. >> you can see there are no flames at this time. the damage has been done. three and half hours into this fire. at one point, this building had a huge tower. this has collapsed. you can see right through it. the fire department is still pouring water on this warehouse. it is multiple businesses inside. it is just too dangerous for them to go in this warehouse and the good news is that they believed that the flames are out. that plan to scale down just a bit even though when
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they were fighting this fire it became larger. this is why there are forced to call and mutual aid. because of flames were away from the screen, the opposite direction nearby businesses and homes and did not have to leave. the fire department put letters on this building to keep the flames--embers were a problem and that is what they scrambled. >> i have been having trouble with will tran is a signal. we also have a jackie sissel on the scene. >> jackie, in this shot, this house, it is hard to tell but is this house maureen were off?
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>> it yes. actually i am sitting on highway 1 01. you get a sense as to how close these homes are. when i arrived here this was fully involved, it was huge. 25 to 50 ft. in the air. it sent a lot but smoke, morning embers in the air. one. come residents were on rules of their homes looking for it the good news is that there is a missed in tht in the error that cost the members not to touch. you get a sense as to how close we are to 11. we're just a quarter of a mile away. you can see the huge smoke and going in the air. there are still six trucks that are positioned or
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around the warehouse. they continue to put water on this. i first arrived, it was about three to four stores. it's started collapsing e. immediately. it is just rubble now as we continue to look at. the good news is that the smoke is not white, so far, we're starting to see progress. >> you can see the dark smoke. i can tell you that i have a white news of van, it is covered with black ash. you can tell ythis tell sure hos was line. some people were told to stay indoors but not a offical shelter. it looks as though they have got a handle on this. >> finally, that is the good nils the this fire never
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burned any of these funds. from jackie's a prospective you could see how close the smoke is. >> we're covering this liven the traffic center would george. >> we only have marginally better traffic and the drive time is down on by an commands. 87, 85 is slow. we have seen improvements and a traffic is continuing to be jammed and also still jammed through the east bay, we have a couple of problems spots like interstate 580 and interstate 680 between san ramon and walnut creek is just jammed up. we see delays in marin county, south bond, highway 1 01. there is an accident that is still backing of the ride.
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we're not seen much in the web release. we still have problems for park presidio drive in both directions. there was an accident affecting southbound traffic from lake st. and northbound traffic is backed up to ortega. >> i am still monitoring conditions around this fire and the wind is down. it was not too bed. it is still was 7 mi. per hour. the smoke is not alone anywhere. you are advised to stay inside and shuttered windows and doors. as for the rest, we're waking up to cloud skies. by 3:00 p.m. you can expect a cool day with a high in the mid-50s. >> cloudy skies remain for 8:00 p.m. tonight and i will break down your 7 day
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forecast coming up. >> here is a look at where this warehouse is. this isn't relation to the schools and homes. this is a a map to tell you the structure and where a separate just of the north you can see the entire neighborhood and on the left, you see the green structure on top of the school and that is one of the schools that were shut down in fact, we have a list. >> the rocket ship discovery prepped elementary school was canceled for today due to the proximity of the fire. empire gardens elementary school was also closed due to the fire. here is what the fire department had to say earlier about the fire spreading. >> this was separated and we were--bit penetrated
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through an hour ago now is to try to get this down. we're trying to keep this from spreading to the front part of the building. >> here are some pictures there were send them by kron 4 view are spre=ierers. you cans more pictures to breaking >> there is a slide show on the website of all the pictures the to have sent. thank you so much for sending the menm in. >> the fire is also causing
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power and gas outages in the area. right now more than 4000 customers are affected. the san jose fire department requested bad power and gas because it in the area so that they can safely fight the fire. both the power and gas will be backed up once the fire is out. >> there are schools in session that do not have power. there are waiting for the power to come back. >> if you have students there do not worry, it is just a little dark. >> we will be back in just a few minutes.
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9:10 am
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>> welcome back. here is a double live look at our developing stories this morning. a warehouse fire in san jose. earlier this morning we talked to san jose fire department. here is what they had to say about the metal building and how it is making the fire is difficult to contain current >> when eight men tol
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building ia metal building can collapse of very quickly. obviously, the size place factor as well. >> stay with kron4 as we continue to cover the fire. you can always check our facebook page and our website at >> there are people near the area that have ash in their driveway. >> liven the weather center is cloud eight for this thursday. we have highs on the cooler side i will walk you through this when we return.
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪
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♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. we're following the latest of a warehouse fire. here is live pictures of what the scene looks like now pripet there were flames leaping a hundred feet in the air. right now the firemen have it upper hand it. will tran will take a look--we will
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take a look with him later. >> jackie has been out there as wells in this area is so huge that we have one crew on the other in. where are you? >> i am actually on highway 1 on one sitting on the side of the brokerage you concede that they continue to pour water on this fire. you get a sense of how close this fire was to this residential. in fact, during the morning when i arrived the flames were about 50 ft. of their residents were born rooftops of their home looking at down on this. the black smoke also contained a very high embers. when i arrived here over the course of the fire this warehouse
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has collapsed down to a single structure. everytime it started to collapse of more embers were in the air. there was a slight drizzle all morning long and that did help to keep the embers from spreading. >> when i go over to the right you concede just how highway 1 01 is to this fire. you can see the the huge smoke and the blow and the good nils is that they're starting to get this under control. there were able to contain this. thank filet it did not spread. some of these houses are just beats away. you can see
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how close these are. >> let's get out there to talk with will hit us give us a lot upper spec tough. >> we are right across from the epic center and the flames on knockdown and the fire department are using their ladders up to make sure that everything is okay. we have not seen the same flames that we saw earlier. this is no longer an issue where the fire department even though they contacted a mutual aid. they
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had over 100 firefighters here. obviously, that will be here to rob the day. throughout the day. you cannot see on the other side of this building but because it became so hot with the heat it was wants to restore is high. the tower reached through this builds in. >> the tower collapsed, the brigarage burned down.
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unfortunately there were no injuries and the reason why is because it was just too intense for them to go inside especially on his rooftop. this is why they had so many the flames were born in the opposite direction and some people laugh and there was no mandatory evacuations. >> that's smoke obviously it is being seen everywhere. george is following the impact. >> we are seeing improvement it has been jammed up since the early morning. we first became aware of this because of
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motorist were reporting that they could see flames. the fire was located at 28 and julienne just one block away from one on one. the traffic was backed up all the way to 85 has not slowed down. 880 southbound from fremont in tub milpitas. this is passed at dixie landings road. we are still recovering from 580 and in both directions of interstate 680. we are now recovering in marin county because they're still block the north of 37 this is by lucas valley road. >> let's look at the bay
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bridge ride. there are no backups or delays. 92 the san mateo bridge is problem free. >> we are chopper talking about conditions. the wind speeds it is not blowing the smoke but causing a chorus of concern. if you are near this area just keep your windows up the rest of the bay is waking up to cloud the conditions a lot of fifties out there. 61 today
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for pleasanton. dry weather your 7 day around the bay shows the possibility of showers for saturday but pass that we're back into the sunshine. the time right now is 9:24 a.m.. we will be right back. [ mom ] hi, we're the pearsons, and we love chex cereal.
9:24 am
so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex!
9:25 am
9:26 am
you want to spread the word. soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at >> this is affecting the people nearby who had a lot of smoke and ash to deal with. schools are without
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power in certain areas. there are schools that are not and session. they now have this under control. not and session. they now have this under control. will be good. back. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
9:28 am
so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. [ angelic music plays ] ♪ toaster strudel! best morning ever! [ hans ] warm, flaky, gooey. toaster strudel! [ female announcer ] try new pillsbury heat-n-go mini pancakes.
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>> welcome back. the time is 9:29 a.m. pripet they stated that they would be out there for hours. kron4 will tran as live. >> the flames are no longer a is show. the hot spots will not go away. you can see that there are pouring on because apparently these claims are still here. they have--you can save this smoke coming from this
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warehouse. this process is starting to bend because all of this weight from the water as well as the fire and damage this is why easy firefighters are not closed. one point this building did have a tower. i show this to you when it was still burning this is why you can say this warehouse is 120,000 square feet. you can see in this hay barn. there
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is still material that they're fully aware. they believe this fire for the next two to three hours. the good nils is that the claims--they're calling this knocked down. there are calling of mutual aid. >> the reason why we know firefighters are leaving the area because you cannot drive over fire hoses. they have equipment here and there are going to other locations around. this is a
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good indication that they're starting to scale the stomp it became a little-chested lines are leaving and this is why they did order people to stay in home more justly. they told people the day just did not want them to get in the way. it never crossed nearby structures to catch on fire. >> when you look at the ground it looks like it is cloudy. all this water from the fire, we did not have any wind. >> the smoke does not have
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anywhere to go. air quality day is bad and you are invited to stay inside of the this is over. >> more details on your forecast coming up. >> we're still tracking and delays, 101 is clearing up. a bigger problem is to ride on an estate to a. this traffic is backed up all the way take a. it is a rough commute trying to get out to cupertino. the ride through the east there are big improvements. we are no longer tracking these is hot spots. we're still and
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recovery mode. it was an alert but it has been cleared. the lanes across over the drive has backed up. >> we are not want to go to jackie sizzle. this is our real smoke that we have seen for the last hour or have. it seems as though they were getting hand on this note and the proximity of this neighborhood but to the amount of mass of water that
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there porn on this. there are six different trucks that are pouring and water and as you can see there is black smoke coming out. right now it is thus a bunch of rubble. i saw a neighbor on rooftops watching this fire godown. immediately
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saw this and also you just how close i am. you can see that the one on the other side of the shot on the north end is showing you how slow this is going through. >> when i arrived it was not only huge smoke but in the sky, you could see basic layout embers that were staring up.
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>> as the firefighters stated that this was the biggest. >> this was huge. it was 3 store is ries. is hard to tell. i am assuming that the power is still often this area. >> we will be right back.
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9:41 am
>> new this morning bread the spread of the flow in fact there have been deaths and complications and doctors are urging people to get evacuate it. a pharmacy in an walnut creek has ran out of shots. >> this is a 24 hour walgreen's and they have advertisements for people to get a shot but when i spoke with a representative he stated that they are adults and they have completely land now because so many people were rushing in to get that shot. he stated that they're trying to get more and that he was not authorized to go on camera but they are working to get
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more brought in. they are recommending that people do get vaccinated. more reports throughout the bay about deaths related to this virus. we would check again and provide to with all the details. >> we will be right back. we continue our coverage. anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them
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why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
9:45 am
[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> welcome back. this is our live look from san jose this is a huge warehouse fire. luckily no one was hurt. there were neighbors who were a sextet of this
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warehouse. let's listen to what they had t who were in the. let's listen in to what they had the set. >> this was a three story building. i figure it has like 10 of. this will contain the fire. the first thing bedfellow or was the first to stores. i cannot assess, i do not believe that i have lost my head garage, but my kitchen and said, my shack may be lost. my neighbor lost his van, his check, and his garage. the firemen did save the home. maligned
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>> the firemen will remain on the sing for a few hours. >> let's get another perspective. maligned the incident on 1 01 is no lumber across. conditions are actually improving as the commute is winding down. the biggest problem in the south is on to 80 in the northbound direction with an accident that still has traffic backed up all the way to 880. it is very slow and we still have big delays for the corridor some fremont all the way to milpitas with an accident probably to add dixon landing road. maligned we will finish off with traffic, the bay bridge commute was heavy but it is no longer. is an easy trip i
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think because we are still looking at something lighter than usual. >> at the san mateo bridge has mold conditions and we're back down to 111 minute drive time. >> we're starting to see breaks of sunshine it is still very overcast. san francisco is in a climb at 55 and the same goes for oakland. if losses fac we will x of sun and clouds. i think the temperatures remain a cooler side. 61 today for oakland and low 60's for the delta. 58 today for san mattel. we did experience dry weather and we did wake
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up to areas of drizzle. any brain is a way to the north. we will continue with this tub to month. we have scattered showers as a cold front is going to drop ban. we may see rain for the duration. >> we'll have more weather as we wrap up three the week can. take care they looked at conditions in tahoe. alpine medals has a base of 20 in. and the same for squaw valley. >> the time is 9:50 a.m.. this is a story that you won't see on kron4. marcus malone was a homeless
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landscaper until he revealed to stanley roberts that he was one of the founding members of the santana blues band. stanley arranged a reunion between santana and the malone correct so what does the future hold for him? >> he described what was going through his mind for the first time in 40 years. >> one of the creators of his music, he is out cutting lawns to make ends meet. this was something that i had to go to. i still create music. i still like music. i will never stop. this is in my heart, this is a my soul. i strive to do this. i want to create music, i am in the same as
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got. he created the heaven and earth. >> he is orchestrating this and there is a small number of people working behind the scene. >> what is your thoughts about his story? >> marcus is a very interesting individual. he slipped through the crack. in society, people will slip through the cracks need help. this has been a long time coming but has a lot to offer. we are really glad that you found him. >> what kind of doors has opened up for him? >> this has been a major step forward for him because of the exposure, people know that he is out there. he already has a few offers from people who want to have him play at their
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evens want to see if he can put a tree altogether. basically, he is very interesting, people just not know he was out there and available. >> god can give you wings, how do you plan to slap your wingflap your wings? >> i will do what i have to do to reach my goals. i will try to accomplish something that can be accepted as a trophy. >> i receive even else from greece asking whether or not he was homeless. no, he is not correct >> in san francisco stand robert stanley roberts, kron4 nw
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spreas. >> if you like to see more of stanley's an exclusive interview with mark thimarcus malone we have posted it on our website at >> and we will be right back. ♪
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[ man ] yo buzz! drop that beat! remix! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ ♪ you got that medley crunch ♪ go! go! buzz! ♪ go! go! go! buzz! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! go! ♪
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♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! you got that medley crunch ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ >> we just want to leave you with the latest with the story of a huge warehouse fire. firefighters finally have this under control. here is a double live look at the building. earlier this morning we talked to the fire department. we have a slide show on our website at any new updates will be there. >>
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
9:59 am
>> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." a husband under suspicion. >> dr. phil: you believe that he is molesting your daughter and son. >> yes. >> absolutely not. >> announcer: a mother shocked in outrage. >> i want to kill him. >> announcer: falsely accused? >> you're a psycho. >> you're a liar. >> announcer: or did he do the unthinkable? >> dr. phil: did she tell you these things? >> she said it. i swear to god she said it. >> dr. phil: let's do it. >> have a good show, everybody. here we go. >> dr. phil: i hate to see people suffering. you've hurt long enough. >> stand by, dr. phil. >> dr. phil: i'm going to get you the help you need. this is going to be a changing day in your life. >> go, dr. phil!


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